El-Kholei has extensive experience in planning, development, and environmental management. He has been professor of urban planning since 2002. He was on the University of Illinois' Incomplete List of Excellent Instructors when he worked as a teaching assistant. His contributions include designing several national and regional development projects and leading the evaluation of many development and environmental projects in Egypt and abroad. He has outstanding computer skills in data management and is competent in advanced multivariate statistical analyses. He published numerous journal articles, book sections, reports and conference papers.


El-Kholei has extensive experience in planning, development, and environmental management acquired through formal training, consultancies, and research projects. He conducted several studies on urban and regional planning and sustainable urban development issues. El-Kholei provided technical assistance in participatory strategic and action planning for urban, regional, and national planning and environmental management programs. His contributions include designing several national and regional development projects and leading the evaluation of many development and environmental projects. El-Kholei has outstanding computer skills in data management and is competent in advanced multivariate statistical analyses.

As an educator, El-Kholei engages students in undergrad and postgraduate studies. He was on the University of Illinois's Incomplete List of Excellent Instructors when he worked as a teaching assistant. He received funds from the World Bank project for developing engineering education to establish a Regional Simulation Lab at Menoufia. In Bahrain, he received €27,490 to conduct an integrated environmental assessment for Askar Environ and €25,911 from UNHABITAT to deliver training on land administration to local Bahraini cadres.

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7445-3641

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=EQrw2pcAAAAJ&hl=en

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ahmed-El-Kholei

Academia.edu: https://menofia.academia.edu/AElKholei